
August - Some Outside Fun

Lindsay got "new" training wheels to Brooke's "old" bike. She is thrilled to go round and round our small back patio...who knew $10 in training wheels would add so much excitment to the day!

Ryan getting ready to mount his new ride.

Life with a kitty is pretty fun.

The tug-a-war rope from our homeschool picnic is now the rope swing!

August Family Camp Pics

Rewinding time again... :) Enjoyed a weekend in the mountains with friends at family camp.

Kate & Lindsay

Jordyn, Rocklin, Molly & Brooke

"Worship His Majesty"

The Barrel Train...Barrel of fun for the kids!

Kathleen with Eliza, Gideon & Lindsay...having a swingin' good time!

Jude, Chad & Ryan

Making memories...

Yes, there were skits.

And more skits.

Rocklin & Brooke - check out the new hair!

Arlene...doing her thing in "Minute to Win It"

Brooke...working the balloons in "Minute to Win It"

Fun down at the creek...

Ryan climbed it.

Brooke climbed it.

Pam did too but you don't get to see the pic for the proof. :) I am saving my download energy for more important pics...like the next post.


Joy the Baker

photo credit to Joy the baker

Now heres a fun blog that you can learn a thing or two from! Today she posted How To...Do Things. Check it out because you may learn something new today that will be useful. I did.

This wasn't in her post but it is noteworthy. You may need powdered sugar today and not have any. -Sugar blended in your blender makes powdered sugar.

ps Check this out before trying it. Making Powdered Sugar